Tuesday, October 9, 2012

An Abundant Life

Some ask "What is an abundant life?"....."How can I get an abundant life?"......
Many of us struggle to work our so-called "Abundant life"...
Many of us feel success to get our so-called "Abundant life"...And many of us get failed...

An abundant life is something that all men want. All religion, all races, all kind of men would seek for it.
But are we really get that abundant life? Or it just an illusion...
I believe, no men want to be poor....
I believe also, all men want to get an abundant life....

Nowadays, many people seek for it. But many people also can never be satisfied for what they work for..
I'm questioning about (maybe) some thing that make the most impact of our never-satisfying character.

What is that?
"This is an empty space in our heart that only GOD can fill it"...

And I believe, that's the point why we will never get satisfied....
Pray for God that He came in our heart....
Who's God? Christ....