Saturday, June 8, 2013

Life is Beyond Math

My friend shared a great illustration to me. My friend was considering between mathematician and a person.
"Mathematician said that 1+1=2. Yes it's true, mathematically. You have to answer it rightly to claim a right marks in our exam. But life is beyond mathematics...."
The conversation was getting deeper and more serious...
"When we ask a person who fall in love what is the answer of 1+1, random answer would come. For a broken-hearted persons, they will answer 0. But for a flourishing-persons, the answer will be infinity...."
Those sentences stunned me for a while... It seems so true and so touching...
But I realized that thought is still too superficial.. It's not biblically right....
Bible indicates that true couple should called to be one... 1+1=1... That's the truth... Seeking someone? Don't ask God whether he/she adds or subtracts your value... Both of those answers are wrong...
The true couple should be "does he/ she makes both of you ONE?"
Think it... Life is beyond Mathematics... Anyway, thanks for the sharing, friend :)

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